March 01, 2004

Cut & Paste Revolution?

Great idea from the UK. Take the daily press briefings from No. 10 Downing Street and post them into a blog. Downing Street Says...

Think about your local government, state government and federal government and all of the news and information release every day. Much of it buried in some website or in some unfriendly manner not allowing for quick review. What if a citizen cut and paste one source of that information into a GovBlog and then publicized the feed generated from that Blog. It is public information, isn't it? That might push things along. Great idea. Here's hoping we see more of it soon.

Posted by Bill Gratsch in Weblogs | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack

August 27, 2003

eGov padding

I've registred a number of co-authors. Welcome all! Please step forward :-)

Posted by John Gotze in Weblogs | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack

August 13, 2003

Why eGovPad??

Did I say a real blog? Hmmm. Let's go then.

So, what is eGovPad about? Or, should I say, what is the root blog (this blog) on about? It doesn't have to be called eGovPad, but that was what came to me when I registred, although I must admit that I "went for" the name, which I thought sounds cool ...

The root blog (this blog) should be a collaborative blog, and I invite any interested govblogger (including would-be's) to join; just send me a mail and ask for registration.

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Posted by John Gotze in Weblogs | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack

August 12, 2003

eGov Blogs dot com is now a permanent domain. No longer (just) a TypePad testbed, but a real blog.

Posted by John Gotze in Weblogs | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack

July 08, 2003

Type in action

I've been chosen for the second round of TypePad beta testing. I have agreed not to publicly discuss details about TypePad or the beta testing process, so I can't talk about how it works.

Posted by John Gotze in Weblogs | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack