September 06, 2003
The eGov imperative
The OECD has published The E-Government Imperative. A central quote:
E-Government is more about government than about 'e'...
The term "e-government", as used by the OECD E-Government Project, applies to the use of ICT as a tool to achieve better government. E-government is not about business as usual, but has a focus on using ICT to transform the structures, operations, and, most importantly, the culture of government. Modernising government structures, governance frameworks and processes to meet the e-government imperative will have fundamental impacts on how services are delivered, how policies are developed and how public administrations operate. As the impacts of e-government becomes more profound, government will have to strike equilibrium between protecting citizens rights and better meeting their needs with more efficient, integrated services and policy engagement processes. What starts as a technical exercise aimed at developing more responsive programs and services becomes an exercise in governance.
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