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August 13, 2003
Why eGovPad??
Did I say a real blog? Hmmm. Let's go then.
So, what is eGovPad about? Or, should I say, what is the root blog (this blog) on egov.blogs.com about? It doesn't have to be called eGovPad, but that was what came to me when I registred, although I must admit that I "went for" the name egov.blogs.com, which I thought sounds cool ...
The egov.blogs.com root blog (this blog) should be a collaborative blog, and I invite any interested govblogger (including would-be's) to join; just send me a mail and ask for registration.
Posted by John Gotze in Weblogs | Permalink
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» eGov.Blogs from Gotzeblogged
I've launched a new blog, the eGovPad, which is the root blog at my new TypePad account. I'm inviting guest... [Read More]
Tracked on Aug 14, 2003 11:26:37 PM
Hi john!
Hope you let me into your egov blog. My days with the Citý of Stockholm/Kista are son over. Have taken an early retirement so I see 6 years ahead of eDemocracy research in Sweden's newest municipality, Knivsta. - a little closer to home.
Posted by: Gail Watt at Dec 5, 2003 7:27:46 AM