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August 27, 2003

Registration problems?

It seems TypePad is having some problems with the guest author system :-(

If you got an invitation from me, it should take you to a form to register as a guest author. But during the process, some says, it "forgets" this and asks you to register for a "real" Typepad account, with own domain and stuff. Little will it help you becoming a guest author here. Please let me know how it works for you. I hope the Typepad team will solve this problem soon.

If you want to set up your own Typepad account, let me know -- I have 20% discount tickets.

Posted by John Gotze | Permalink


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I registered as a guest with no problem. I do get the distinct feeling that my "free" status will change in the future. Is that the case or will guest authors always be free?

Posted by: Rob at Aug 28, 2003 5:37:00 PM

The TypePad team has announced that the sign-yp bug has been fixed, so we should be OK now.

Posted by: John at Aug 31, 2003 1:20:35 AM